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The first trailer, Independent Games Festival…

Stoneird Winter

Stonerid is almost done, so we decided to submit it to the 16th Annual Independent Games Festival (more details at: We have nothing to loose (except 95$ – entry fee cost), but the winners will receive decent money prizes and get a chance to put their games on Steam platform. In my opinion, it’s definitely worth to try.

Lately we created first trailer of Stonerid. It shows many important information about the game (but not everything), so if you don’t know Stonerid, just watch the trailer.

If you have any comments or suggestion, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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Stonerid – First gameplay finally released

Gameplay of StoneridLast time I wrote that we planned to release the first Stonerid gameplay sample. There were a lot of other things to do. That’s why we didn’t release it earlier. However, now the gameplay work is finished, so you can see what Stonerid really looks like. In the gameplay sample we show you some interesting things available on the first few levels.

When you finish watching the video, please leave a comment here or on Youtube, underneath the video. Your opinion is very important for us, because Stonerid is our first game. As soon as we create further levels you can expect a new gameplay sample, but it’s really hard to give an accurate date now.

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