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Old vs new – which one looks better?

comparison of two versions of game menuToday I will show you the new version of the game menu (on the right), which will appear in the full version of Stonerid. You can compare it with the old design. Our graphic artist has changed almost all of the elements and now the new menu looks totally different. In my opinion, it looks much, much better than the previous version. Do you agree?



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A few words about the editor

Stonerid editor in actionWhen we started working on Stonerid, we didn’t know what a good editor should look like or what kind of functions it should provide. After a few months of work, we created a very good editor, which enables us to easily design new levels. It has a lot of useful features that make the whole process of creating a game run much faster. Of course, you should know that creating a single level can take a few days. For now I’ve got few screenshots of the level editor, so you can see them in the  gallery.

In a few days we are also going to put the first gameplay sample for Stonerid on Youtube , so you can see exactly what this game looks like.

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Hello, everybody!

Stone and DemonOn this rather warm February night, I’m writing about a platform game which we have named Stonerid. I’m going to show you our progress in game development. We’re using Microsoft XNA and so far we’ve created the engine, game editor and a few basic levels. There are still a lot of things to do, but the most important are finished and now we can concentrate on details.

For the next few months we will be designing levels, creating new graphics and adding some new elements and improvements. We’ve got many things to share with you, so stay tuned.

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