Some people, who played Stonerid, complained about too high difficulty. When someone can’t finish a few first levels without dying tens of times, it probably means, that we made a mistake. It’s a serious problem and we decided to resolve it.

If you played a demo or full version, you probably know that it was very easy to die in this game. However we’ve changed a few things. Now player has 3 health points, instead of 1. No matter what difficulty level you chose, you always start with 3 health points (of course each death recover missing hp). Take a look at the main differencens between particular modes.
Easy mode – It’s a special game mode, for inexperianced players. You can regenerate your hp, by collecting colorfull stones, 2 stones give you 1 hp. Additionally each new chcekpoint automatically regenerates your hp. In this mode you won’t receive any awards at the end of level. If you are not familiar with difficult platform games, I recommend to select this mode.
Normal mode – make sure that easy mode and hard mode are not selected. You can’t regenerate missing hp in this mode. If you die you’ll get your 3 hp back, and the main hero will be transported to the last checkpoint.
Hard mode – the only difference between hard and normal is a fact that there is no checkpoints in this mode. It’s just enough to make the game much more difficult.
Sometimes (quite rarely) you will notice that some of the objects are red. These objects kill main hero immediately if you touch them, no matter how much health points he has. It was necessary to avoid some weird situations that could occurs because of implementing additional hp. Don’t worry, there are not a lot of these dangerous objects in the game.

The last important improvement is a notification, which player receives when finds a secret area. It also gives you an information, how many secret places is hidden in each level.

As I wrote before, you won’t receive any prizes at the end of a level if you play at easy mode. It shouldn’t be a problem for someone who don’t need to collect additional rewards in games, especially that the game is much easier at this mode. So if you play at easy mode you’ll see something like in the image below.

That’s it for today. Don’t forget to check demo version, just click the button “Download now” on the right column.
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